The series of works “Gods Of Garbage” depicts current ecological problems in the World caused by us, humans of this globe- Gods Of Garbage.

There are three paintings in this collection that represents Overfishing, Plastic Pollution, and Toxic Waste problems. 

 I put a message in every color, texture, and pose on these paintings. The gods are faced away from the viewer because of the shame they feel for the problems they cause. The Overfishing god is stuck in a fishnet and cannot leave it. The red background behind him represents a dangerous level of a problem. The Plastic Pollution God has nothing left except the plastic. This god is seating outside on a green field, field stands for Earth here. The message behind it is that we have covered the whole planet in plastics. The Toxic Waste God slowly dissolves everything around and has a yellow background, the color usually chosen for all toxic markers. 

